Cognitive Corporate Finance announces closing of a €9m acquisition finance facility for Cardea Capital Cognitive Corporate Finance (CCF) uses a unique, technology-enhanced approach to match investment opportunities with the relevant sources of capital. From its HQ in Madrid, CCF regularly meets and delivers on its clients’ needs across Europe, the Middle East, China, and the Americas. CCF is pleased to announce the successful closing of a €9m debt facility for Cardea Capital, a UK-based Asset Manager on its acquisition of shares in GORE, a German Office focused REIT.

Cardea Capital was invited to participate in a private transaction to acquire shares in a German REIT, focused on acquiring Core+ and Value Add opportunities in the Office sector, managing the assets to Core, and disposing of them once stabilized. Cardea mandated CCF to raise the debt facility to acquire 100% of the shares.

CCF quickly identified a portfolio of credit funds, whose investment strategy covered Germany, Real Estate (and more specifically, Offices), in the amount sought by Cardea. Following a brief period of investor outreach, Cognitive obtained a satisfactory offer from Stafford Capital Partners, who closed the transaction in February 2020. Cardea Capital’s CEO, Jordan Waring, explained in a statement: “We are highly pleased with the transaction, which has allowed Cardea to capture value from a sector which –in these uncertain times –is well insulated from the market turbulence generated by COVID”.

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Alfredo Raez, Cardea Capital’s COO, further commented “We were impressed with Cognitive’s speed in executing the transaction: it only took seven weeks from the first investor outreach to collecting the funds that allowed us to close.” Charles Thoma, founder and CEO of Cognitive Corporate Finance, said in a statement: “It was a pleasure to work both with Cardea and to assist them in growing the firm’s equity. Stafford Capital Partners will prove a solid partner and source of long-term capital. We were highly pleased to work with both and hope to do so again in the future.” Purchasing Zolpidem About Cognitive Corporate Finance Cognitive Corporate Finance is a cutting-edge, technology-enhanced, Big Data-powered, third-millennium merchant advisory firm that provides new and innovative financial services on a global scale. Through an intimate knowledge of investors’ needs, as well as through unparalleled contacts, we bring our clients the most relevant financial advice, the optimal financial solution and the best and fastest service in finding capital or strategic partners for their corporate requirements.